Monday, August 25, 2008

Assignment 1 submission - 5/5 - Inspiring images

Inspiring images Part 1

Here are the inspirating images...most of them were actually posted before, this time I just rearranged them a bit and added some new images..

Fence is consist of ordered elements, the arrangement of the elements can be varied, depends on their purpose. E.g. a wider intervals will give a less control to the movement..
This diagram is about movement, about how the movement were guided and shaped by the dark area, i.e. the fence.
Rem KOOLHAAS, Conference centre, Agadir, 1990.
Rhythm, a faster frequency of the rhythm will give a higher density to the image.
This is another example of rhythm image, it is like we took a picture with a wrongly adjusted shutter..
Pattern, chaotic materials can be arranged in different order and form interest pattern.

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