Wednesday, October 15, 2008

10 words developed from the reflection (Assignment 3)

01. Isolation
1. a state of separation between persons or groups
2. a feeling of being disliked and alone
3. the act of isolating something; setting something apart from others
4. (psychiatry) a defense mechanism in which memory of an unacceptable act or impulse is separated from the emotion originally associated with it

02. Permeability
Permeable architects let other things invade them. Permeable architecture is capable of absorbing, but also constantly exporting things.

03. Chaos
It is the indetermination of trajectories which emerges because the system is sensitive to variation, to the incidence of local individual – particular in all senses – actions that end up disturbing and altering the globality.
The contribution of chaos theory is the suggestion of a pseudo – deterministic model leaving room for chance, a dimension for the unpredictable, for randomness.
Its particular movement defies the prefigured and stabilized.

04. Fragment
It is an old word that is substituted for unfinished.

05. Flows
“As in Piranesi’s engravings, the contemporary environment may be understood as an infinite interior of imprecise boundaries, where inhabitants are located in the form of a flow, converted into circulation.
In this context, road infrastructure plays an important role in establishing an order that is not based upon formal criteria but upon abstract bits of information (on a moterway we can arrive at our destination without using geographical parameters, following only a discontinual set of messages).

06. Virtual
Virtual idea shops short of engaging the underlying matrix of physics and materiality that makes both mind and cyberspace possible. This kind of idea limits itself to making isolated conventional forms in conventional space, dressing them in rhetorical conceit, and leaving the world unchanged.

07. Container
“The container is a neutral protective receptacle into which fit multiple shapes and a great diversity of objects arranged in its interior. Its exterior shape – cubical, cylindrical or otherwise- has its own laws for stacking or abutment with other containers, but never that of explaining the object and shape contained therein.” (ARANGUREN, Maria Jose; GONZALEZ GALLEGOS, jose, “Habitar la caja,” unpublished)

08. Privacy
1. the quality of being secluded from the presence or view of others
2. the condition of being concealed or hidden
3. freedom from unauthorized intrusion : state of being let alone and able to keep certain esp. personal matters to oneself

09. Membrane
A membrane is the thin layer of organic, elastic and resistant tissue which separates two cavities or envelops an organ.

10. Inflatable
Inflatable relates to a closed object, made of flexible material, filled with air or with some type of gas or fluid, such that it acquires a bulky, tensioned state.
“An inflatable structure responds to a program. Its architecture is not a static structure which is calculated to resist the biggest possible forces. The inflatable structure is a lean device which relaxes when external or internal forces are modest, and tightens when the forces are fierce. It acts like a muscle.” (OOSTERHUIS, Kas, Programmable Architecture, Milano: I’Arca Edizioni, 2002)

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